Interested in Supercat, Betagen, Biosafety, Fest, Fok OHO, Sandee, Karisma products? You can contact us, using the contact form and we will get back at you as soon as possible!
Phone number: (855) 23 425 234 / (855) 23 425 235
Mobile number: (855) 11 562 452 / (855) 81 562 452
Facebook: Mimex Trading
You are looking for high quality Thai products to sell in your stores in Cambodia?
In year 2006 Mimex was established with the purpose of bringing reliable and good quality products to the hands of customers.
With our professional team and high working value we become a trustful products provider. We aim to bridge and link consumers to good products that are improving the day to day life of the people Mimex family care and love.
Learn more about Mimex